pie and papercuts

i like books. all the books

What You Do to Me

What You Do to Me - Barbara Longley Sam and Haley are perfect for each other. Perfect in that neither of them knows what the heck they want and they both turned so totally neurotic halfway through the book.

The concept is cute: Haley's mother tries to set her up with Sam, the handiest handyman in town, after her fiance leaves her just weeks before their wedding. Haley finds out about the setup and decides to turn things around in an effort to get her mother to back off. In the process, Haley and Sam fall for each other.

But oh my dear gracious. Does he, does she, will she, won't he, and so on. I get hesitance, but the back and forth between wanting to jump each other and being afraid of this "relationship" is just ... well, it gets old.

Overall, cute concept, not crazy about the main characters. And sidenote, my mom would do anything for me but I don't think she'd ever set me up with a potential one-night stand.

*A free copy of this book was provided by netgalley/the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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