pie and papercuts

i like books. all the books

Always a Cowboy

Always a Cowboy - Linda Lael Miller Not gonna lie, the avoiding-each-other-to-married-in-weeks thing just didn't work for me. Luce and Drake had no true relationship development, and by date 2 were planning their wedding. I tried to get on board with it, I truly did. Sure, they had the horses in common, but after that? Meh, they spent so much time not with each other, disagreeing with each other, and then suddenly they were married. I just ... The writing was fine, and the story pacing was fine overall, it was just the relationship part that didn't work for me.

Currently reading

His Stolen Bride
Barbara Dunlop
The Dollhouse
Nicole Thorn
Small Great Things
Jodi Picoult
Mr. Mercedes
Stephen King